Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day...

You would think that with a name like "Labor Day" this would be a perfect day for my body to get its self in gear! As of 3:00pm it still has not caught on to that fact.:( I am seriously wondering if it knows how... If my Dr. still won't consider induction tomorrow, will I just stay pregnant forever? Okay I can hear it already... No woman has ever been pregnant forever, or I was 3 weeks late with one of mine... I realize all of that, but I am finding NO COMFORT in knowing that. :(
 My oldest 2 are down right funny. Briana watches me like a watched pot [and you know that they say a watched pot never boils] I think that must be the problem! Micah speaks confidently every night that THIS will be the night that Baby Dear arrives. This morning he told me he looked out his bedroom window & could not see the suburban, so with high hopes he raced down stairs out the shop, all to discover the suburban was here after all.;) He said he hit the wall in disappointment. Ha, how does he think Mom feels when she wakes up every morning to discover that another day is here & no she was not woke up with intense labor pains.
 Oh I have contractions! I had them for 9 hours straight one night, coming every 10 minutes too. But they didn't get harder & stronger & eventually petered off to nothingness.
 I was seriously planning on trying castor oil this morning but after reading all the dangers of doing that I could not make myself possibly harm my dear baby. So I opted to wait till tomorrow & see what my Dr. says after I plead with her for an induction. ;)
 Did someone say just wait it out???? Oh help, I'd much rather go through a pitocin induced labor then continue this agonizing waiting game.
 Well if I can't have a baby on labor day, I'll go with my family to a picnic/ballgame & enjoy pity from other Mom's. ;)
 Hopefully the next post will have some happy news & pics of our new little Miller.:)


  1. I thot you were going to say Micah looked out and saw a stork with a bundle ...Ha.... Coming in for landing.......

  2. Hope your little one decides to come real soon!! :) Happy "Labor Day" whether it be today or later this week!! :)

  3. Oh, I remember Labor Day 5 years ago when I wished so badly it would really and truly be [[labor]] day!!! I wasn't even overdue. You know you have all my sympathy. I told Steve about your situation, and he wondered if it was time for Dale to have a talk with the doctor. ;) Loved the story about Micah. :) Praying, praying! How many days past due now? --Christy

  4. Usually just the time you decide it's never going to happen... it does. :) Praying you go in tonight! You know... it'll likely go so fast you won't have time to blink!!!
