Friday, May 8, 2015

Of Spring sunshine and other lovely things

Its so lovely to se the sun shining brilliantly again today. The morning started off with a good rain. [But of course it did Micah and I washed the van yesterday after school] Dale came home for about an hour to let the yard he was trying to mow dry off before he went back out again.
 Its been a good spring business wise. He has had more calls then he had in any of the previous springs. We are so happy to still have Clint running the other route. It is such a blessing to have him working for us! Micah is just itching to be done with school so he can get out there and help Dale. :) One more week then school will be finished for the year!
 Our summer looks like a nice stay at home summer. :) Last night the children were reminiscing about our long trip last winter & I was freshly reminded that I am perfectly content to stay right here in lovely Colorado for the summer.
 We are highly anticipating seeing Nate & Waneta  this summer!!! Yes, they really are planning to come out here this summer. :) 
 Teaching the children to swim is high on my priority list, the oldest 3 learned while we lived in the south. But the rest need to learn! 
 Briana will turn 13 on the 23rd and has decided for her birthday this year she wants to have her room redecorated. This should be great fun! 

Recently I was looking at meanings of names & found out Reagan means "young ruler". :) We choose the perfect name for him! He is such a little ruler. He has the strongest will that I have dealt with yet! These pictures are just so him!!!

Sierra loves to have dirt bike rides!

And Micah is such a good brother to her & of course obliges her little wishes!

Some more pics of my loves...

Its so nice to have spring evenings to spend outside. :)

Cole is really enjoying school and gets quite bored when its not a school day. One day his friend Josh came over for a while. Oh the fun they have together! Its football playing, building lego creations, hiding among the big rocks outside, coloring and the list goes on. :)

I am missing the first and the last sibling on here. But look at this stair step. :)

One of my favorite recipes right now is... 
One hour cinnamon rolls
I was a sceptic when I first saw the recipe, until my friend Naomi made some & they were wonderful!
 I frost them with caramel icing instead of cream cheese icing. Altho I am sure the cream cheese stuff would be Yummy!

Try them and tell me what you think. :)